If you are reasonably fit and healthy and meet the below criteria, you may book a colonoscopy online or by phoning us.

  • A family history of bowel cancer.
  • A persistent change in bowel function.
  • Positive Faecal Occult Blood Test.
  • Rectal bleeding.
  • A personal history of bowel polyps or cancer.

Colonoscopy: A hassle-free process

We have made this important diagnostic procedure as stress-free and accessible to patients as possible. All it takes to get set up are four simple steps.

 Step No. 1: The Referral

Generally, we will receive a referral from your GP, family doctor, or another specialist. Dr Ganesh will review your information to determine if you are well-suited for ‘Direct Access Colonoscopy’. This decision is made upon medical review by Dr Ganesh.

Step No. 2: The Nursing Consult

As part of this process, the nurse will contact you. The nurse will ask you a few questions to confirm information about your medical history. For your safety, the nurse will also need to confirm any medications you may be taking as some of the medications need to cease prior to your colonoscopy.

A ‘bowel preparation is necessary before your procedure, The nurse will provide clear instructions on when and how to take this solution. Failure to properly clean the bowels can interfere with the findings and the ability to make an accurate diagnosis. This will lead to a repeat of the procedure on another day.

Other instructions that may be provided are specific to your situation; for instance, you may need to stop taking drugs such as blood thinners or diabetic meds before your procedure.

Lastly, the nurse will provide you with the best date and hospital facility for your colonoscopy. We will always try our best to accommodate patients’ requests. However, please bear in mind that Dr Ganesh operates at different sites on different days of the week. We do appreciate your understanding and flexibility with scheduling.

 Step No. 3: Day Of 

When you arrive at the facility, Dr Ganesh will go over the procedure with you. Potential complications will be addressed and you will be seen by the anaesthetist who will explain potential risks during the sedation. It is generally not a full anaesthetic but sedation. Usually, you do not have any recollection of the procedure.

You must give us informed consent in order for the procedure to proceed. This simply involves reviewing a form and providing us with your signature. Once your colonoscopy is completed, Dr Ganesh will see you again and provide you with two copies of the ßcolonoscopy report. The report will outline the results and findings of your colonoscopy. One copy is given to you for your medical records, while the other should be handed to your GP.

Step No. 4: Post-Colonoscopy 

We want to assure our patients are safe and comfortable and understand their results and the next steps forward. A member of our team will follow up with you within 72 hours of your colonoscopy. This is a good time for you to ask any questions or voice any concerns that you may have. It is a great time for us to get a good sense of how you have recovered. We will also need to book a post-operative appointment for you. Dr Ganesh will either want to see you in person or via telehealth. We will bulk bill your initial post-operative appointment following your colonoscopy.