For an accurate diagnosis and treatment of rectal bleeding, trust our specialty care
We understand that rectal bleeding can be alarming. However, most causes of bleeding are benign. Dr Ganesh’s specialised expertise will help treat and manage your symptoms.
Rectal bleeding (hematochezia)
We understand that it can be concerning to notice even a small amount of blood in your stools or traces of it on toilet tissue. If bleeding is minor and occurs irregularly or periodically, we encourage you to contact us to schedule an appointment with Dr Ganesh. If bleeding is heavy and associated with pain, we’ll want to see you as soon as possible. While we do not want to cause undue panic, bleeding is not something you want to sit on – it needs to be checked.
The most common causes of bleeding:
● Haemorrhoids
● Fissures
● Polyps
● Inflammation
● Diverticular disease
Haemorrhoids are small sacs of blood vessels in the anal area. When they become engorged by any form of straining, they may bleed. Generally, dietary changes with an increase in fibre and water intake along with topical haemorrhoid suppositories may cease the bleeding. However, other medical conditions may coexist with haemorrhoids, and an investigation with a colonoscopy is warranted.
Dr Ganesh is able to perform a colonoscopy, as well as, manage haemorrhoids at the same time without the need for another anaesthetic. The treatments for haemorrhoids vary from banding, and haemorrhoid artery ligation to open haemorrhoidectomy. The choice of surgery is dependent on the severity of the haemorrhoids. Dr Ganesh can tell you which is the appropriate surgery based on a few questions and clinical examination.
Fissures are tears in the anal lining, they are associated with severe pain and occasional bleeding in the rectal area. Treating fissures usually consists of softening the stools and application of Rectogesic ointment to relax the sphincters and increase the blood flow. This will allow for the fissures to heal. Treatments such as Botox injection and surgery are reserved for when non-surgical options fail.
Additional causes of rectal bleeding include conditions that inflame the lining of the intestines, including Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and diverticular disease.
The takeaway: rectal bleeding is not normal, but there is no reason to panic. It’s worth seeing your GP and obtaining a referral to see us.